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Tied with Flowers

At MECA we deliver Personal, Social, Health Education (PSHE) inclusive of relationship education which enables our pupils to become healthy, independent and responsible members of society.


Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Education (SMSC) is promoted inclusive of British values. Our PSHE offer is tailored to our pupils, school and community which aims to provide opportunities for pupils to learn about rights and responsibilities within society, build emotional literacy and resilience and nurture their mental and physical health. It is a curriculum area that is taught both independently and interweaved in all other subjects across the curriculum to embed skills and strategies our children need in order to live healthy, safe, fulfilling, responsible and balanced lives.


In KS3, pupils will have two weekly tutor time sessions, weekly assemblies and weekly DEAR sessions which have a specific focus on PSHE. There are termly curriculum enhancement days, external mentoring, targeted SEMH interventions and enrichment activities to support pupils’ growth and development. 


In KS4, pupils additionally have weekly Life Skills lessons which focus on: 


  • Wellbeing

  • Social relationships (including RSE)

  • UK society

  • Healthy living

  • Rights and responsibilities

  • Managing money

  • Parenting awareness



Overall we have a curriculum that is broad and balanced and takes into account the differing needs of our learners.  It is our intent to be mindful that many of our pupils will come from difficult backgrounds, and some of the topics covered may well be challenging for them to cover.  Classes are taught in a sympathetic style, but with inclusive discussion. 


 At both key stages, pupils have the opportunity to learn about the wider world covering statutory obligations, but also providing them with the resources for the next stage of their education.  We emphasise equipping pupils with the knowledge and skills to make safe and considered choices out in the wider world.

Our Team.

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